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Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización

Projects (95)


Overview:    The project SILKWAY busca develop skills and employment in students from Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan through courses innovative in Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Circular Economy and Development Business. This project supports sustainability and poverty reduction in both nations, also promoting interest in electrical energy professions. Reference 101179683 Action type Capacity Development Title “Development of […]

General Description: The Jean Monnet Module “Inclusive Justice” (JUSTIN) addresses the problem of achieving inclusive justice in the face of the growing desire of European Union Member States (and also of third countries that are not) to make the administration of justice increasingly efficient and digital, without guaranteeing, at times, equal access to justice for […]

General Description: The consortium of partner universities, experts in virtual reality and innovative education, will join forces to create a comprehensive virtual reality (VR) courseware program focused on chemical engineering. This program will provide professors with the knowledge and tools necessary to teach classes more interactively and effectively using this technology. In addition, it will […]

Overview: The EDUDER project is a transnational cooperation initiative for capacity development based on multilateral partnerships, among 19 higher education institutions (HEIs) from 9 Latin American countries and the European Union. The project proposes structured cooperation, the exchange of experiences and good practices and the creation of an intervention model with the aim of effectively […]

Overview:  SKILLS4Water is an Erasmus+ project that will create innovative career-oriented training programmes, train-the-trainer activities and modernize water curricula by integrating soft skills., with a focus on developing interdisciplinary collaboration. A Community Hub will be created to host webinars, establish networks and promote the exchange of knowledge and good practices. Reference Project:  Cooperation Partnership – […]

General description: To train experts involved in the strengthening of democratic institutions of the rule of law in Latin America; as well as to train “trainers” for the development of civic education and democratic culture, as a fundamental instrument for the defense of democracy against populist attacks. Reference Project: 101128803 — DEMOS — ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBH Action […]

General Description: The NISHATI project, which means energy in Swahili, aims to bring growth and innovation to six universities in Africa (2 in Tanzania, 2 in Uganda and 2 in Rwanda) in the field of eco-agriculture, water management and green energy for agriculture by improving and increasing the educational offer and the acquisition of transversal […]

General description: Create and develop a Center for Diagnostic and Psychological Guidance and Psychoeducational (CDOP) at the Óscar Ribas University (UÓR), transferable to the universities of Namibe, Lueji A’Nkonde and the Higher Pedagogical School of Bié, based on the service model of the Psychological and Psychopedagogical Care Center (SAP) of the University of Cádiz (UCA) […]

Overview: The main objective of GREENO2 is to show green roofs as a tangible response of the academic community to environmental protection, active participation and general improvement of well-being in higher education. The project is committed to providing environmental education and fostering a culture of ecological responsibility among students, academic staff and the community in […]

General Description:The project aims at promoting gender parity and fight for the acceptance of sexual orientation by promoting equality and providing cutting-edge digital tools and resources Reference 2023-1-EL01-KA220-HED-000161365 Action Type Cooperation association Project’s Title enForcing gender equality and cOntributing to sexual oRientation respeCt in a higher Education institutions alliance – G-FORCE Acronym G-FORCE Start Date […]