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Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización

Projects (96)


General Description:The project aims at promoting gender parity and fight for the acceptance of sexual orientation by promoting equality and providing cutting-edge digital tools and resources Reference 2023-1-EL01-KA220-HED-000161365 Action Type Cooperation association Project’s Title enForcing gender equality and cOntributing to sexual oRientation respeCt in a higher Education institutions alliance – G-FORCE Acronym G-FORCE Start Date […]

General Description: The project is motivated by the need for digital innovation in language teaching. More specifically, the project responds to the need of language teachers to have the appropriate skills for applying digital technologies, such as AR, in their practice, as both users and creators of educational materials. Reference KA220-HED-99E45528 Action Type Cooperation Partnership […]

General Description: The project is motivated by the need for digital innovation in language teaching. More specifically, the project responds to the need of language teachers to have the appropriate skills for applying digital technologies, such as AR, in their practice, as both users and creators of educational materials. Reference AGREEMENT n° 2022-1-NO01-KA220-HED-000088034 Action Type […]

General Description: Establishing LL Centres (LLCs) in Mongolian HEIs and Introducing digital e-learning educational tools. Set paradigm of Quality culture and encourage co-design University and Industrial Stakeholders. Train industrial employees on OHS basics, through the LLCs. Reference 101129094 Action Type Capacity Building Higher Education Project’s Title Lifelong Learning for Mongolia; Occupational Health & Safety (3L4MOHS) […]

General Description: The aim of this project is to promote Active Citizenship (AC) in secondary schools and prepare students to be active citizens in Europe. Reference 2023-1-NL01-KA220-SCH-000160010 Action Type Cooperation partnership KA220 Project’s Title Active Citizen Compass Acronym Compass Start Date 01/09/2023 End Date 31/08/2026 Total Duration 36 months Coordinator Piter Jelles !mpulse, Netherlands Partners […]

The School of Engineering (ESI) of the University of Cadiz (UCA) hosted its first local workshop of the ARIDLL (Augmented Reality Instructional Design for Language Learning) project on 19th of January 2024. This workshop followed others held throughout 2023 at Evosmos Primary School (Greece), Open University of Oxford (UK), Cypress University of Technology, University of […]

Call-KA171-SMS-IN-24-25 (Incoming Student Mobility for Study Purposes)   The Erasmus+ KA171 SMS IN (incoming student mobility for study purposes) programme offers students from non-associated third country partner universities the possibility to carry out a study stay at the University of Cadiz (hereinafter the UCA) during the first or second semester of the academic year 2024-2025. […]

On July 4th and 5th, the Ibn Jazzar Faculty of Medicine at the University of Sousse, in Tunisia, hosted the General Assembly of this network, featuring specific training and Erasmus+ workshops. These events were organized in collaboration with the Téthys network, the University of Aix Marseille, and the National Erasmus+ Office in Tunisia. Representing UCA […]

An event aimed at digital freelancers in Communication The Multiplier Difree event has brought a close to the Entrepreneurship Week at the UCA, held at the Constitution 1812 building on the Cádiz Campus. Over 40 activities were organized across the four campuses and towns in the province. This is a European initiative to promote the […]

On December 12th, the introductory course on Capacity Building will take place. This course is a training activity scheduled by the Training and Teaching Innovation Unit and will count for such purpose. Capacity Building projects in the field of Higher Education are transnational cooperation projects mainly based on multilateral partnerships between Higher Education institutions from […]