DEMOS “Ataques a la DEmocracia y populisMOS. Nuevo programa académico para el fortalecimiento de las instituciones en América Latina”
General description: To train experts involved in the strengthening of democratic institutions of the rule of law in Latin America; as well as to train “trainers” for the development of civic education and democratic culture, as a fundamental instrument for the defense of democracy against populist attacks.
Reference |
Project: 101128803 — DEMOS — ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBH |
Action type | Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) |
Title | Attacks on democracy and populism. New academic program for the strengthening of institutions in Latin America. |
Acronym | DEMOS |
Initial date | 01/02/2024 |
End date | 31/01/2027 |
Total duration | 36 months |
Coordinator | Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha (España) |
Partner institutions |
Website | En construcción |
Objetives |
Following the various training courses planned, a common module will be designed that will allow for the updating and/or creation of optional subjects in various masters and postgraduate courses in the partner universities, as well as the creation of degrees and short courses. Despite its location in the field of higher education, special attention will be paid to the training of journalists, political and social actors, and officials of the various branches of government (specifically the judiciary), since the separation of powers, and in particular judicial independence and the correct location of constitutional justice, are essential pillars for the survival of the democratic state. DEMOS is endorsed -as associate partners- by all the Ministries of Justice of the Latin American partner universities (Brazil, Peru, Colombia and Chile). |
Responsible | Miguel Revenga Sánchez |