UCA is Internationalization: Erasmus / Welcome Center / CUNEAC / Pushkin Institute / AUIP / International Development Cooperation / Centre of Excellece Jean Monnet
The University of Cádiz is a university open to the world. Each year we are visited by hundreds of students from all five continents. A leader in internationalisation, the UCA is the second ranking Spanish university in terms of the number of its students who spend time in non-European Union countries as part of the Erasmus+ KA107 programme.
The UCA is also the leading Spanish university for educational, scientific, cultural, and multidisciplinary projects with East European and Central Asian countries, and the first Spanish university to host a permanent centre of the Pushkin Institute.
It coordinates the activities of CEI-MAR (the International Campus of Excellence in Marine Science) and the SEA-EU (European University of the Seas), a consortium made up of universities from Spain (Cádiz), France (Western Brittany), Germany (Kiel), Poland (Gdansk), Croatia (Split) and Malta. UCA students have the opportunity to study at any of the SEA-EU universities and thus to acquire experience and qualifications of accredited prestige in Europe..
The UCA is also an academic and cultural bridge linking Europe, Africa and Ibero-America, a quality space of freedom and safety that nurtures ongoing cultural exchange rooted in deep historical ties.
Over 100 of our courses are taught in a foreign language. Many of these are offered to Erasmus students. Three of our official master’s degrees—the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree in Water and Coastal Management (WACOMA), the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree in Quality in Analytical Laboratories (EMQAL) and the Master’s Degree in International Relations and Migrations—are taught completely in English.