General Description:
- Establishing LL Centres (LLCs) in Mongolian HEIs and Introducing digital e-learning educational tools.
- Set paradigm of Quality culture and encourage co-design University and Industrial Stakeholders.
- Train industrial employees on OHS basics, through the LLCs.
Reference | 101129094 |
Action Type | Capacity Building Higher Education |
Project’s Title | Lifelong Learning for Mongolia; Occupational Health & Safety (3L4MOHS) |
Acronym | 3L4MOHS |
Start Date | 01/12/2023 |
End Date | 30/11/2026 |
Total Duration | 36 months |
Coordinator | Panepistimio Patron (University of Patras) |
Partners | Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST)
National University of Mongolia (NUM) Polytechnical College of Khenti Province Umnugovi Province Polytechnic College Universidad degli Studi di Palermo (Italy) Universidad de Cádiz |
Web | 3L4MOHS |
Objetives | Specific objectives:
Lifelong Learning for Mongolia; Occupational Health & Safety project, 3L4MOSH, has a dual purpose. To establish Lifelong Learning Centres (LLCs) in 4 Mongolian HEIs and to digitalize Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) curricula that will be piloted through the LLCs. The consortium includes 4 Mongolian HEIs, two universities and two colleges. MUST base in Ulaanbaatar national capital, is the leading technical university in Mongolia, while the other three HEIs KhSU, KhPC & UPC, covering remote parts of the vast country, are newcomers or less experienced organization. AHU NGO, devoted in promotion of OHS will be coordinating project dissemination strategy. MUST and AHU will also built capacity in providing OHS auditing services to the industry. The EU part of the consortium comprises University of Patras (School of Medicine) which is the project coordinator, University of Palermo and University of Cadiz, an experienced in CBHE non-profit organization (CRETHIDEV) and a consulting SME (GuruServices.BIZ). Involvement of Mongolian stakeholders in co-design of educational structures and resources and well as digitalization of educational resources through XR, gamification and novel pedagogical methods suitable for e-learning will contribute greatly to modernization of Mongolian HE. The general objectives and ambition can be summarized as:
Responsible | David Jiménez Pavón |