The SEA-EU DOC project, in collaboration with the Cátedra de Emprendedores (UCA emprende), has organised a 5-day intensive course on Entrepreneurship Skills, oriented to PhD students from the SEA EU partner universities (from Gdansk, Kiel, Malta, Split, Cadiz and Brest), the consortium being the same in both projects in the first stage of the SEA EU project.
The course was inaugurated at the Cadiz Campus on the 17th of April, with the opening by the Rector’s Delegate for the European University of the Seas (SEA EU and its continuation SEA EU2.0 – Fidel Echevarría), the Director General 3e: Entrepreneurship, Enterprise and Graduates (José Manuel Sánchez) and the Director of the International Projects and Networks Secretariat (Javier Izquierdo), and will run until the 21st of April.
It will be attended by 43 PhD students and 7 speakers from the partner universities of the SEA-EU DOC project. On the first day there was a guided visit to the Centro de Recursos Ambientales Salinas de Chiclana and a lunch, where the coordinator of the SEA-EU DOC project at the University of Cadiz, Dr. Irene Laiz, welcomed the students.
The course has been very well received by all the participants, who will be immersed in this training throughout the week.
In the program of this past Monday, April 17th, we had the participation of several interesting presentations such as Ginés Haro, founder of the company El Club de los Raros, which is the first online bookstore in Spain, with his lecture: “New Paradigms in Entrepreneurship and Innovation”, as well as the participation of the speaker in the afternoon shift, Ivana Bilic, from the Croatian University of Split with her lecture “Entrepreneurial Skills (empathy)”.
The rest of the programme can be found at this link.
For more information, see the link: