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Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización

Project Activities (35)


Within the frame of the project capacity building MEP&M Development of Regional Joint Master Program in Maritime Environmental Protection it took place the last training (Task 3.4.1) on 27 September. The main objective of this task was to provide teaching staff from Montenegro and Albania with additional knowledge on pollution and land-sea interactions. Specifically, this […]

La tercera reunión transnacional del proyecto Dig4Life tuvo lugar el 27 de septiembre de 2021 en Cádiz (España). La reunión fue organizada por el equipo de profesores de la Universidad de Cádiz como un evento híbrido, lo que permitió a los socios asistir de forma física o virtual, ya que aún quedan algunas restricciones para […]

Coinciding with its first year of life, the Dig4Life project celebrates its first multiplier event. The event will take place at the University of Cádiz (Spain), on September 28th, 2021. Under the title “Serious gaming for education: co-designing educational research”, the objectives of this event are the following: To present the DIG4LIFE project to the […]

On March 5th, the synchronous session of Module 3, led by the UCA, took place via videoconference within the Training for Trainers training program of the Dig4Life project.  The international project Dig4Life is participated by the University of Cadiz together with the Italian university Universita degli Studi Roma Tre (project coordinator), Academia Druzba Za Storitve […]

On November 11th, the Kick-off meeting of the international project DIG4LIFE took place by videoconference, with the participation of the University of Cadiz and the Italian University Universita degli Studi Roma Tre (project applicant), Academia Druzba Za Storitve Doo (Slovenia), FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH (Austria), Klaipedos Universitetas (Lithuania), Laurea-Ammattikorkeakoulu OY (Finland) and the company Entropy […]