First training of project MEP&M: Know-how transfer related to the latest topics in climate change and marine pollution effects on marine ecosystems 20 December 2021
The first training session of DEV.3.4.2 of the MEP&M (Development of Regional Joint Master Program in Maritime Environmental Protection and Management, 619239-EPP-1-2020-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP ) project took place on 20 December 2021.
Specifically, the training sessions were entitled: “Main pollutants in the marine environment and some tools for their analysis” carried out by Dra. Milagrosa Oliva from University of Cadiz (Spain), and “Environmental risk assessment and sediment quality guidelines” by Dra. Miriam Hampel, also from University of Cadiz (Spain).
The topics were about the introduction to the marine pollutants and environmental risk evaluation process of contaminants, including main pathways of contaminant generation and release as well as explanation of the main tools for analysis and environmental regulations.
The online sessions were very well attended, with a total of 18 participants from Albania and Montenegro universities.