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Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización

SPILIA – Pratique de la philosophie sur les valeurs européennes avec des élèves de 10 -12 ans

SPILIA – Pratique de la philosophie sur les valeurs européennes avec des élèves de 10 -12 ans

General Description:

SPILIA is an open and participatory project that aims to foster critical thinking in students aged 10-12 through Discussions with a Philosophical Approach.

Reference 2020-1-BE01-KA201-074930
Action Type
Erasmus + KA 201 – Strategic Partnership
Project’s Title Pratique de la philosophie sur les valeurs européennes avec des élèves de 10 -12 ans
Start Date 01.09.2020
End Date 31.08.2023
Total Duration 36 months
Coordinator Radio Alma (Bélgica)
Universidad de Cádiz, España.

École Decroly – fondamental asbl (Bélgica)

Entre-vues asbl (Bélgica)

CONEXX – EU asbl (Bélgica)

Colegio de Educación Infantil y Primaria Nuestra Señora de Gracia, Málaga (España)

Agrupamento de Escolas de Constância (Portugal)


To achieve its objectives, SPILIA provides teaching staff – who are in charge of observing the students’ learning process – and facilitators – who are in charge of facilitating the session – with a series of MOOCs in which the methodology of the discussions is explained in detail.

The debates will address different European values such as human rights, respect for human life, peace, democracy, individual freedoms, equality, solidarity and respect for other cultures, among others. SPILIA was created to encourage a critical spirit among young people and the general public. In this sense, it has been demonstrated that the practice of philosophy with children develops specific and key school skills that allow students to integrate social, ethical and democratic components.

To achieve this, radio also plays a central role in this project. In this way, the communicative power of this medium is used as a tool to make this content available to everyone in a totally open format so that it reaches as many people as possible.

Responsible Montserrat Vargas Vergara (