The resolution UCA/R01VINT/2023 of the INSAF-Fem mobility grants project is now published 16 January 2023
The resolution of the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation has been published today, awarding the grants for mobility for internships for students of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building Innovation Sociale et Technologie pour une Meilleure Employabilité des Femmes Tunisiennes (INSAF-Fem) project, with reference number 610190-EPP-1-2019-1- ES- EPPKA2- CBHE- JP, for the academic year 2022/23.
The activity “Stage des étudiantes lauréates au sein d’une université européenne“, which consists of a two-week internship at the University of Naples Parthenope (Italy) for the best student from the four Tunisian partner universities of the project, is part of the above-mentioned European project. Once the partner universities of the project (University of Cadiz, University of Naples Parthenope, University of Galatasaray, University of Sfax, University of Monastir, University of Gabès and University of Kairouan) have assessed the applications submitted by the students of the four universities of the project (University of Cadiz, University of Naples Parthenope, University of Galatasaray, University of Sfax, University of Monastir, University of Gabès and University of Kairouan)
The four students selected (one for each Tunisian university) are:
– University of Sfax: Hana NAIFER (Y721985)
– University of Monastir: Ichrak FERJANI (I653561)
– University of Gabès: Tebra SEDDIK (I037743)
– University of Kairouan: Roua FARJALLAH (I405230)
The stays are expected to take place at the end of February.