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Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización

The Erasmus+ ‘MEP&M’ project is working on a regional master’s degree in Maritime Environmental Protection in Montenegro and Albania 10 May 2024

The Erasmus+ ‘MEP&M’ project is working on a regional master’s degree in Maritime Environmental Protection in Montenegro and Albania

The Campus of Puerto Real hosts this transnational meeting with partners from the universities of Montenegro, Aleksandër Moisiu, Ismail Qemali, Côte d’Azur, Ljubljana and Cadiz.

The CASEM building in the Campus of Puerto Real hosts the transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ MEP&M project for the Development of Regional Joint Master Program in Maritime Environmental Protection and Management’ in Montenegro and Albania “Development of Regional Joint Master Program in Maritime Environmental Protection and Management”. The Vice-Rector for Internationalisation of the University of Cadiz, Marcela Iglesias, accompanied by the lecturer in charge at the UCA, Ana Macías (coordinator of the Master in Integrated Management of Coastal Areas at the UCA), and the coordinator from the University of Montenegro, Danilo Nikolić, welcomed the partners participating in these conferences that will take place on 9th and 10th of May at the Faculty of Marine and Environmental Sciences.

A joint interdisciplinary regional master’s degree programme in English language and online format is supported by the European Union Higher Education Institutions through the Capacity Building programme. The University of Montenegro coordinates this Erasmus+ project with the participation of the Albanian universities Aleksandër Moisiu and Ismail Qemali, of Cadiz, of Ljubljana (Slovenia), of the Côte d’Azur (France), the Albanian General Maritime Directorate and the Agency for Nature and Environment Protection of Montenegro and the NGO Ecological Centre DOLPHIN.

The master is addressed to students and professionals who wish to train or complete their training in the field of marine environmental protection and management. Its promoters aim to enhance networking between governmental institutions, blue economy sector companies and NGOs to act together to prevent and address the consequences of global climate change and local/regional marine pollution.

The UCA team is involved both in the preparation of the content of the teaching programme of this postgraduate course and in the training of its teaching staff. The teaching field will be enhanced in broad aspects of MEP&M areas through tailor-made training in fields such as climate change and mitigation, marine pollution prevention, environmental management, international laws and strategies in the field of marine environmental protection. Capacities will also be developed in the areas of organisational and procedural aspects of e-learning and blended learning course development, the latest developments in innovative teaching and learning methods, as well as best practices in educational video production with a focus on lecture capture. In addition, further work will be performed with the universities of Albania and Montenegro to enable teaching staff from the University of Cadiz to participate in their online teaching.
The implementation of the project started in January 2021 and will last for three years. The total approved budget is 845,188.00 euro.