The University of Cádiz (UCA) is opening an Erasmus+ KA171 call for incoming staff mobility during the 2024/25 academic year. The call is for Teaching and Training activities.
Eligibility and Requirements:
• Partner universities must launch their own internal calls for outgoing staff.
• All nominations must align with available UCA positions and include signed Mobility Agreements.
• A limited number of places are available on a regional basis.
• Nominations must be submitted by November 20th and include:
-Completed nomination lists (PDF and Excel format, signed and stamped)
-Proof of internal call dissemination
-Copies of fully signed Mobility Agreements
Selection Process:
• UCA will publish a list of selected applicants at the end of the process.
• Signing a Mobility Agreement does not guarantee grant approval.
Further Information:
For complete details, including specific activities, application procedures, and available positions, please visit: