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Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización

LAW 2024-25

International Public, Criminal and Procedural Law


Public International Law I Bachelor 4* English 1º sem. Bahía de Algeciras Campus Jesús Verdú Baeza jesus.verdu@uca.es
Public International Law II Bachelor 4* English 2º sem. Bahía de Algeciras Campus Jesús Verdú Baeza jesus.verdu@uca.es
Procedural Law I Bachelor 8 Spanish Feb. – May Introduction to Procedural Law. José Caro Catalán jose.caro@uca.es
Procedural Law II Bachelor 8 Spanish Oct. – Jan. Civil Procedural Law. José Caro Catalán jose.caro@uca.es
Procedural Law III Bachelor 8 Spanish Feb. – May Criminal Procedural Law. José Caro Catalán jose.caro@uca.es
Procedural Law I Bachelor 8 Spanish Feb. – May Introduction to Procedural Law. Pablo García Molina pablo.garciamolina@uca.es
Procedural Law II  Bachelor 8 Spanish Oct. – Jan. Civil Procedural Law. Pablo García Molina pablo.garciamolina@uca.es
Procedural Law III Bachelor 8 Spanish Feb. – May Criminal Procedural Law. Pablo García Molina pablo.garciamolina@uca.es
Institutions of the Criminal Control System (Jerez) Bachelor 8 Spanish Feb. – May Introduction to Procedural Law for Criminologists. Pablo García Molina pablo.garciamolina@uca.es
Criminal Procedure Bachelor 8 Spanish Oct. – Jan. Criminal Procedural Law for Criminologists. Pablo García Molina pablo.garciamolina@uca.es
Criminal Procedural Law (Jerez) Master 8 Spanish Oct. – Jan. Criminal Procedural Law for Lawyers. Pablo García Molina pablo.garciamolina@uca.es


Civil and Commercial Mediation Procedure (Cádiz) Master 8 Spanish Dec. – Jan. Civil and Commercial Mediation Procedure for Mediators. Isabel Villar Fuentes isabel.villar@uca.es
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Master 8 Spanish Dec. – Jan. Introduction to mediation: definition, characteristics, models, figure of mediator, parties to the mediation. Isabel Villar Fuentes isabel.villar@uca.es
Procedural Law III Bachelor 8 Spanish Feb. – May Criminal procedure system. Principles of criminal procedure. Isabel Villar Fuentes isabel.villar@uca.es
Procedural Law II Bachelor 8 Spanish Oct. – Feb. Civil proceedings. Declarative processes.

Commercial Courts.

Negotiation and mediation.

Isabel Villar Fuentes isabel.villar@uca.es
Procedural Law I Bachelor 8 Spanish Feb. – May General theory: jurisdiction, action and process, jurisdictional structure and judicial organization. Isabel Villar Fuentes isabel.villar@uca.es
Gender, identity and citizenship Master 4* EN or SP Mar. – Apr. Gender, Violence and Criminal Law María Acale Sánchez maria.acale@gm.uca.es
Tranculturalidad, criminología y delincuencia Bachelor 8 Spanish de febrero a mayo Acercamiento al fenómeno delincuencia a una disciplina como la criminología desde un enfoque transcultural, de manera que se rompan las barreras de los valores de socialización a la hora de analizar grupos sociales culturalmente diferentes a nosotros mismos. Postulados desde la antropología y la sociología. Santiago Amaya Corchuelo


Specific Forms of Criminality II: Gender and Immigration Bachelor 8 Spanish First Term Criminology and gender, Foundations for the analysis of immigrant criminality and victimization María del Mar Martín Aragón


Derecho Procesal I: Introducción al Derecho Procesal Bachelor 8 Spanish Segundo cuatrimestre: desde febrero hasta mayo Procedural Law I: Introduction to Procedural Law Pablo García Molina


Civil Procedural Law Master 8 Spanish Primer cuatrimestre: desde septiembre hasta enero Civil Procedural Law Pablo García Molina


Public International Law I Bachelor 4* English 1 Semester (Winter Semester) 1. The International Society. Public International Law as the legal order
of the International Society.
2. Subjects of Public International Law.
3. Legal structure and formation of Public International Law
4. The relationship between Public International Law and the domestic
legal system
5. Guarantee mechanisms for the application of international norms
Michel Remi Njiki


Public International Law II Bachelor 4* English 2 Semestre (Spring Semester) 1. The legal regime of the maritime zones

2. Peaceful settlement of international disputes

3. The Use of force in the international community

Michel Remi Njiki


European Union Law Bachelor 4* English 2 Semester (Spring Semester) 1. Genesis and Evolution:From the European Communities to the
European Union.
2. Structure,Institutions, Powers of the European Union.
3. Legal System of the EU and relationship with domestic legal
4. Judicial System of the European Union.
5. Intergovernmental Cooperation.
6. External Action of the European Union.
Michel Remi Njiki



*Teaching should be supplemented by other activities to complete 8h, for further information contact the coordinator.


Labour Law and Social Security


Derecho del Trabajo II Bachelor 8 Spanish Feb – May Derecho del Trabajo: derechos y obligaciones derivadas del contrato de trabajo.
Especialista en Derecho del Trabajo
Mª José Cervilla Garzón mariajose.cervilla@uca.es
Máster en protección jurídico social de personas y colectivos vulnerables
Master 4 Spanish Jan – Feb Especialista en Igualdad de género en el Mercado del Trabajo y Seguridad Social María Angustias Benito Benitez angustias.benito@gm.uca.es
Labour and Social Security Law Bachelor 4* English 1º and 2º semester Any implication about labour and social security law Isabel Ribes




Public Law


Theory of Law Bachelor 8 Spanish 1º or 2º sem. Current Problems of the Theory of Law. Leticia Cabrera Caro leticia.cabrera@uca.es
Administrative Law Bachelor 8 Italian 1º or 2º sem. Administrative Law: general or specialized. Severiano Fernández Ramos severiano.fernandez@uca.es
European Union Tax Law Bachelor 4 English 1º semester Harmonization of indirect taxes: VAT, customs, excise duties. Harmonization of direct taxes. Fundamental freedoms. State aid. Direct tax directives. Administrative cooperation directives. Tax procedures. Francisco M. Carrasco González


International Taxation PhD (Doctorado) 4 English 1st or 2nd semester Tax residency. Taxation in the State of residence. Taxation in the State of source. Sources of international taxation. Double taxation agreements. Rules for the distribution of tax power. Trends in international taxation. Dispute resolution. Anti-abuse rules. Pillars 1 and 2. Impact of EU law on national tax systems. International trade law and taxes: customs duties and indirect taxation in international trade. Francisco Carrasco


Tax procedures Master 4 English 2nd semester Tax procedures. Relations between taxpayers and the tax authorities. Tax audit. Compliance. Exchange of tax information. Collection. Appeals and claims. Tax violations and penalties. Tax crime. Francisco M. Carrasco González


Great classics of the Philosophy of Law and Political Philosophy Bachelor 4* Spanish or French 1º or 2º semester In the area of Philosophy of Law of the Department of Public Law of the University of Cadiz we would like to have an Visiting Professor Erasmus who has taught or researched on one of the Great Classics of the Philosophy of Law and Political Philosophy.
The objective to be achieved with the stay of the International Guest Professor is to promote an exchange of experiences and knowledge with the students of the subjects of History of Political Ideas and Theory of Law (focused on the History of the Philosophy of Law) that are taught at the Algeciras Campus.
The teaching to be given would be 4 hours of lectures in the Degree in Law and another 4 hours in a Work Seminar with professors and researchers focused on the figure and thought of a classic author.
Juana María González Moreno





Core Legal Disciplines


Comparative Constitucional Law Bachelor 4* Spanish 1º or 2º sem. Theory of State: forms of government and territorial forms of state Constitutional Law Professor Emilia Girón Reguera emilia.giron@uca.es
Constitutional Law Bachelor 4* Spanish Oct-January Constitutional Law for Criminologists Emilia Girón Reguera emilia.giron@uca.es
Constitutional Law PhD (Doctorado) 4* Spanish October-December Constitutional Law (Rights and freedoms) Juan Manuel López Ulla


Derecho Constitucional Comparado Bachelor 8 Spanish Marzo-Abril Derecho Constitucional Emilia Girón Reguera


Roman Law Bachelor 8 Spanish Oct.-Jan. Institutions of Roman Law Esther Pendón Meléndez


