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Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización




Thermal Engineering


Thermal Engineering Bachelor 8 English 1º sem. Absorption refrigeration: LiBr-H2O, NH3-H2O

mixtures. Calculation of cycle efficiency.

Gabriel González gabriel.gonzalez@uca.es
Thermal installations in buildings Bachelor 8 English 1º sem. Dimensioning of the solar cooling system. Juan Antonio Viso juanantonio.viso@uca.es
Thermal Energy Generation Bachelor 8 English 2º sem. Estimation of energy saving. Comparison with other refrigeration systems. Juan José Gómez Sánchez juanjose.gomez@uca.es
Teaching in the courses of Thermal Engineering and Installations and Hydraulic and Thermal Machines PhD 8 Spanish 1º sem. The activities of the visiting professor will be developed within the courses: Thermal Engineering (Ingeniería Térmica), of the degree in Mechanical Engineering (6 hours) and a master class in the subject of Installations and Hydraulic and Thermal Machines (Instalaciones y Máquinas Hidráulicas y Térmicas) of the Master of Industrial Engineering (2 hours).

The following topics will be covered in the course of Thermal Engineering:

1. Power production from thermal energy through the use of steam and gas cycles using conventional and renewable energy sources (4 hours).
2. Cold production through vapor compression cycles and the use of passive cooling systems (2 hours). In the course of Hydraulic and Thermal Installations and Machines, a class will be held that will address the following topic: Development of energy projects based on applied studies

Research professor in areas of sustainable energy and increased efficiency and energy performance, especially in passive cooling, solar energy and power generation. Skills in teaching energy transformation subjects and the development of energy projects that require applied study.

Álvaro Ruiz Pardo alvaro.ruiz@uca.es


Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design


Graphic engineering for products Bachelor 8 English Mar. – Jun. Solidworks software is used to learn 3D modeling and assembly from a product design approach. Pablo Pavón-Domínguez pablo.pavon@uca.es
Introduction to research Master/Doctorate 8 English First Semester Nonlinear FEM with hyperworks Antonio J. Gámez


Introduction to research Master 8 English October Parametric and nonparamtric modeling Antonio J. Gámez



Control, Electronic and Computer Engineering


Computer design techniques Bachelor 8 English Feb. – May Electronic design based on FPGA by means of HDL languages with an approach in Computer Organization. María Ángeles Cifredo Chacón mangeles.cifredo@uca.es
Embedded computer design Bachelor 8 English Feb. – May Design of embedded systems based on 8-bit MCU by means of C embedded. María Ángeles Cifredo Chacón mangeles.cifredo@uca.es
Software Testing Master 8 English Oct. – Dec. Testing Software is a crucial activity in the development of software systems. With the increasing complexity of software projects, the industry requires incorporating graduates with adequate testing skills and preparation in this field: software testing techniques, software testing design, software testing automation, automated test case generation, etc.

Knowledge in software engineering, in particular, in software testing. Methods and techniques of software testing and software testing automation.

Inmaculada Medina Bulo inmaculada.medina@uca.es
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture Bachelor 8 English Feb. – May. MIPS, Assembly language Fernando Pérez Peña fernandoperez.pena@uca.es

*Teaching should be supplemented by other activities to complete 8h, for further information contact the coordinator.



French and English Studies


*Teaching should be supplemented by other activities to complete 8h, for further information contact the coordinator.


Automation, Electronics and Computer Architecture and Networks


Industrial Control and Automation Master 3 hours per week English Mar. –  May. Industrial Control and Automation. Industry 4.0. Smart sensors. PLCs. Machine vision. Classical control system design and intelligent control systems. IoT in the industry. Robotics.

Professor with expertise in the field of systems engineering, industry 4.0, including automatic control and robotics and/or machine vision and/or artificial intelligence applied to industry.

Daniel Sánchez Morillo daniel.morillo@uca.es

*Teaching should be supplemented by other activities to complete 8h, for further information contact the coordinator.