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Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización


Business Management


Organizational Behaviour Master 4* English Dec. – Jan. Employee’s behaviour in the context of work and, consequently, work on it trying to improve the performance of the employees. Macarena López Fernádez macarena.lopez@uca.es
Human Resources Management I Bachelor 4* English Sep. – Jan. Study the management processes of the companies with the aim of adjust human behaviour in order the organization to be efficient. Macarena López Fernádez macarena.lopez@uca.es
International Managerial Skills Bachelor 8 English Feb. – May Develop a set of competences and skills: creative, good communicator, enterprising, team working, persuading, etc. Jesús Barrena Martínez

*Teaching should be supplemented by other activities to complete 8h, for further information contact the coordinator.


Management and Organization


International Management of Family Business Bachelor English 1º sem. A brief course about family firms, regarding their specific issues, as culture and values, succession processes, and governance. José Daniel Lorenzo Gómez daniel.lorenzo@uca.es

*Teaching should be supplemented by other activities to complete 8h, for further information contact the coordinator.

General Economy


Applied Econometrics for International Business and Economics Bachelor 4* English 2º sem. Methods and techniques to obtain economic and business forecasting, test economic theories and hypotheses related to international business and international economics, evaluate policies, and analyze economic data. Daniel Coronado Guerrero daniel.coronado@uca.es
Historia Económica PhD (Doctorado) 4* Spanish Febrero a Mayo de 2025 Historia Económica del Mundo Occidental durante los siglos XIX y XX José Luis Caño Ortigosa


International Accounting and Auditing Bachelor (Grado) 4* English From 11th March to 10th April 2025 1. To understand where international accounting regulations come from and how they are organised.
2. To understand the impact of international accounting standards on Spanish companies.
3. Know and apply the IASB standards incorporated into the PGCE for recording, valuing, and preparing accounting information derived from complex transactions.
4. Know and apply the International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) standards on presenting financial information, accounting policies, post-balance sheet events and changes in accounting estimates and errors. As well as the standards issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) relating to the auditing of accounts.
5. Know how to plan and execute an audit programme and how to prepare an audit report.
Nieves Gómez Aguilar


*Teaching should be supplemented by other activities to complete 8h, for further information contact the coordinator.